Parcel delivery services are growing unbroken, beside the traditional Post there is a bunch of private companies. If a parcel is undeliverable it is deposited in remote hubs or again tried to be delivered on the next day. initializes a – on neighbourly help based - community for parcel acceptance and pick-up. By this deliverers, customers and the environment are profiting from this innovative network approach.
In this research project TopLab contributed with the development of an Android Prototype Application.
Also a HTML5 based project site was developed, which satisfies the main needs a Parcel Network System has.
By this a major step has been taken to deliver a system, which can be used also on IOS or Windows Mobile based devices.
Different user-groups (private parcel hubs, parcel recipients - "users" - and parcel service providers) are able
to use this innovative app from individual points of view and usage.
A map service shows hub locations to deliverers and recipients. A goal was also to make estimates
of fuel and CO2 savings due to available and alternative pick-up/drop-down locations.
This project was co-financed by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit).
Project partners: abc-consulting, DI Alexander Fürdös, gaho-consulting.

The developed prototype application can be adapted to meet specific needs of eCommerce & CEP service providers and individual user groups. The language can be changed for international follow ups. Serveral business models have been identified and can be used to help the parcel.Net idea grow. We believe in the power of crowd sourcing and that the parcel network paradigm can have positive impacts on parcel logistic services and social interaction in rural as well as in urban areas.