Topics: Fluidic muscle technology, standards, building classes, calculation, areas of application.
Studies of current prototypes of air powered bionic robots. Consolidation of fluidic muscle technology by FESTO.
Investigation of electric powered hexapods and humanoid robots. Identification of prototype applications of the
specialized robotics area of "exo-skelletons".
Study of ant anatomy and other insects which are already equipped with exo-skelletos by nature.
Modeling, coneption of a computer-aided optimization approach based on a mechanical model,
computational mechanics and simulation.
The use of Open Source Programs has shown many potentials as a cost-effektive alternative for
enterprizes. This trend is not only limited to office solutions, data bases, analysis systems and software development platforms.
A first diploma thesis in cooperation with the Federal Higher Technical College Voecklabruck
was conducted with the topic "Bionic Robotics". Lukas Pirklbauer and Patrick Schrattenecker designed and implemented an experimental
set-up using Rapid Prototyping, 3D CAD Program CATIA and Finite Element Analysis.