Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Werner Toplak, study of mechanical engineering and economics at Vienna University of Technology (VUT).
Specializations in the areas of Production, Product, Logistics, Quality Management, Advanced Design, Management
and System Theory. Internships and professional activities in special purpose machinery manufacture and machine
automation. Master thesis about Neural Networks for prediction purposes in Transportation Research.
Assistant of EU coordinator of Austrian Red Cross (ARC) in the areas of international disaster relief
and development aid. Expertise in third party financing (national and EU), process planning and skill
enhancement of Red Cross delegates for international missions.
Doctor study of technical sciences at VUT. Specializations in Cybernetics and Systems Theory,
classification and prediction, memory efficient calibration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
models, heuristic optimization methods, intelligent and self-organizing production systems,
authentic leadership, philosophy of science and modelling of technical-cybernetic systems.
Scientific award for the master thesis in the area of logistics by the Federal Ministry of Traffic,
Innovation and Technology (bmvit).
Innovation award by the Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster (ATTC)
for advanced visualization methods and modeling paradigms for the analysis of traffic data developed
in the doctor thesis.
Professional activities at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) as expert for Artificial
Intelligence, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Quality Management and Standardization,
multimodal Transportation Systems, project aquisition and management.
Foundation of the "TopLab" - Toplak Laboratory e.U., registered office in Upper-Austria. Consulting & Prototyping
services for topics related to Operations Research & Optimiziation in cybernetic & complex socio-economic & technical systems.
Specializations in (Social) Network Analysis, mobile Development and Computer Vision.
The bionic robot arm prototype was nominated for the Futurezone Robotics Award 2012.
Dr. Toplak supported GEVAS software as manager of the Austrian branch, change manager and authorized representative from 2012 to 2015.
In the areas of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) & Public Transportation Systems he continues his support with consultancy & more than a decade
of expert knowledge. For sustainable & intelligent mobility systems of the future.
Since 2012 Dr. Toplak acts as an external lector in the area of Business Informatics at the Ferdiand Porsche FernFH. Since 2013 he
also acts as an external lector in the areas of Mechantronics & Robotics at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien.
Since 2015 he supports tech2b Inkubator GmbH as a scientific mentor for Start-Up projects.
Key Note at Sällberg Technologies' Dimensions 2015 Conference: What are the relations of Artificial Intelligence, Quality and Organization?
(in german: "Was hat künstliche Intelligenz mit Qualität und Organisation zu tun?")
Explore 2016: Releases of Tools and Products related to Computer Vision (Python, Java, Android, Windows, Linux).
...to be continued...