Location frOm Chip (LOC) [Android] is a user friendly logger for positioning data. LoC is
based on GPS and cell positioning (depending on signal quality). Several different
logging intervals can be selected (5 Hz mode is currently limited by GPS API and on experimental stage)
for obtaining historic data.
Hence LoC can be used beyond common specialized applications in sports and leisure (riding, hiking, para gliding, free riding,
skiing, bycicling, jogging, etc.).
In the area of Quality Management for transportation systems the development of new applications
for travellers LoC offers optimal assistance for system operators, researchers and technicians:
Purchasing costs for stand alone GPS-Logging Devices for data collection can be saved,
insofar the personnel uses Android V2.1 or higher smartphones.
The local data base containing historic data can be easily exported to the exernal SD card where a data transfer
e-mail, Bluetooth or USB can be initiated.
Furthermore the tracks and manual defined points of interests (POI) can be exported as kml for the
integration in GIS-Systems like Google Maps, Google Earth or Quantum GIS.
Note the example tracks provided below:
- blue =
LoC on Samsung Galaxy S1 I9000 (including accuracy marks),
- red = comparative measurements with QSTARZ BT-Q1000eX
GPS data logger.

An allrounder with privacy
Those who like an application for more than one specialized use-case will find a good and on different devices (Samsung Galaxy SI 9000, Google Nexus S, HTC Desire, Sony Ericsson Active) tested allrounder. The local data management on the device and the willful manual data transfer avoid violations of privacy by unwanted automatic data transfers into the cloud.
Pro Version:
- local SQLite data base for export (miniSD-card needed!)
- extended kml export with predefined POI, Route & accuracy attribution for further treatment in Google Earth
- WGS84 X,Y (including accuracy cirlces!)
- bearing
- speed
- altitude
- number of satelites in fix and in total scope
- estimated accuracy (API estimations) - topics and updates: analytics module, further indicators, drift detection
Lite Version:
- same as Pro Version
- but limited kml-export (100 Points)
Two verions of LoC are currently available on ANDROID market.
The free trial verion is limited to 100 GPS points for the kml-export.

The PRO version has no limits and enables you to view all trips in Google Earth(TM) at full length!
With a little contribution you support independent cybernetic research!

Support us and send us your db file of your on-track runs, paragliding routes or freerides!
(support"at"toplab.at - "subject: LoC sample")