Vision: (lat. visio, "view, emergence"), the inner picture of an imagination.
The Toplak Laboratory - TopLab - stands for creative usage and conjunction of different
technologies for concept development, modeling, simulation and prototype developments
in the interdisciplinary fields of Cybernetics and System Theory.
Various experiments, processes and qualifications are developed, comprised, analyzed and
transformed into models, prototypes, products and knowledge.
Laboratory: (lat. laborare, "to work, to suffer, to struggle"),
decribes a working environment in respect to sciences.
In detail it is a workshop where IT meets engineering and economics for
answering interdisciplinary questions and solving problems.
The laboratory equipment relates to telematic, visual and bionic technologies, systems for
data collection, IT, operating systems and simulation environments.
It accords - in sense of the type of facitily - to customer specific demands in respect to security, cleanness,
availability of materials, tools and gadgets.