Refering to Wikipedia we get a definition of “Industry 4.0", "Industrie 4.0" or "the fourth industrial revolution".
It is a collective term embracing contemporary automation, data exchange and manufacturing technologies.
In other words it is about "technologies and concepts of value chain organization which draws together Cyber-Physical Systems,
the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services.”
The companies TIBEG and TopLab developed a “on-top” data logging tool for industrial processes and mechatronic sensor systems.
The so called gpTopService acts as an on-top logger which periodically checks for new sensor data in process logs and saves it into a data base for further analysis.
According to Gerald Putz, CEO of TIBEG, an additional on-top logging layer increases reliability and offers comparative values for plausibility checks.
Sensor manufacturers often have their own data logging with them, but there are questions regarding faulty measurements and plausibility of values.
The fact that the tool was developed in VB.NET has one simple reason. Mechatronic systems and industrial processes are not built from scratch in most cases.
Measurement infrastructure and sensors have been in use for years and their use will be continued.
The approach is to optimize and make existing systems more reliable and smarter.
Dr. Werner Toplak, CEO of the TopLab, states factors for a successful AI implementation.
Technical systems evolve, there are many industrial applications based on Artificial Intelligence today.
Having the right data available for calibrating nonlinear models is crucial for data driven modeling and final model quality.
With gpTopService in its initial version it is possible to log up to 40 degrees of freedom, their time series can be
used for modeling and analysis.
The tool also generates Excel based reports containing statistical indicators.
Therefore gpTopService is a value added source for system operation and optimization.
adjust logging interval [s]
switch auto/manual logging
configure statistics
define action control limits
automated XLSX export
warning if data is outdated