In Systems Theory complexity
is defined by the amount of observed units and the network of their
connections and causal interactions.
Cybernetics addresses the conception,
mapping and control of biological, social and technical processes and systems.
The development of strategies and solutions for
concrete or abstract problems in cybernetic control, the scientific supervision and
the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) complete - in this spirit - the
portfolio of methods and a broad range of operations.
The credo and general rule is to support strategic, organizational, planning and controlling
levels in industry, public sector and NGOs with consultancy out of the box.
TopLab is your competent partner to break new ground.
Areas of independent research are related to bionic robotics, 3D-design & animation, Virtual Reality, Neural Networks & Computer Vision on the
one side.
On the other side our advanced artificial intelligence approaches can be applied to a wide range of
problems & topics, as you can see in the project section.